Commitment, reliability. Not only selling, we're partnering
Why us
No matter for research used reagents or pharmaceutical grade, in peptide industry, we have been working extremely close with our customers worldwide to give an opportunity to success.
i.Successful product launches and quality;
ii.Targeted market reach within existing or prospective clients;
iii.Shorter time turnaround.
Psyclo Peptide, Inc. is committed to serve all customers in a manner that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We strictly follow the rules of keeping our honored clients' confidentiality.
Psyclo Peptide, Inc. can fill in the gaps in pharmaceutical supply chains globally, mitigating their direct impact on the overall population. We integrate these values by generating informative, real-time responses to events potentially impacting pharma manufacturing , downstreaming research or study and product recalls.

Our Distinguished Partners

From good to great
Success stories
1. Successful providing numerous quality peptides for peptide vaccine clinical study phase.
2. Cosmeceutical peptide product development.
3. Therapeutic Anti-tumor Zn small molecule development.
4.For cell-penetrating peptide developing. PepFect 3, PepFect 6, PepFect 14 etc